Daddy is a huge believer in living a healthy, active lifestyle. So, here in the Nicastro house we try to stay fit. Ysabella started her first day as a "Beastie" at The Little Gym. Mommy wishes she had pictures to post here but Ysabella was very shy. If she wasn't saying "all done" or asking to be held, she was in tears. So, we decided to enjoy the beautiful January day and exercise outside where Ysabella is much happier.
After a few soccer drills, she moved on to what looked like stretches. They were, however, her attempt at "push -ups".
Which are very serious business.
Anthony wasn't left out today and got his own special workout in. His neck strength in the Bumbo.
Head down.
Head Up.
A tiny moment of rest.
And smiles all around.
i just love to squeeeeeze both of them! we love you ysabella and anthony! xoxoxoxo