Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Nicastro Ballpark

This weekend of rain has allowed our imaginations to play.  Today we turned the basement into a ballpark and practiced our hand-eye coordination.  Daddy was very pleased to see us discard the baseball tee and opt for a slow pitch game instead.  

The kids had a blast and learned all about the 3 strike rule.  Luckily, they kept their eyes on the ball and rarely got "out". (Yes, Daddy was loving it!)

Look out SportsCenter!  The Nicastro name may be prominent in your highlight reel! 
Remember little Nicastros, its not about winning or losing.... 
.... it's about making your Daddy happy that you may be athletic! :)

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding me? Oh my talented and beautiful you to the moon and back! xoxoxoxo
