Saturday, February 11, 2012

Play Date

Mommy had her friend, Vivi, and her daughter, Makayla, come for a play date.   Anthony and Makayla always enjoy their time together even if they barely look in each other's direction.  Anthony seems unhappy to be with Makayla, but really it was time for him to eat!

After both babies were well fed, and the 30 minute digestion period was over, they hit the baby gym.  Who doesn't love a good play mat with lights and music?

Anthony couldn't get enough and kept reaching for all the hanging toys.

Meanwhile, Makayla played hard and slept hard!

But it wouldn't be a true gathering of Mommy and her friends if there wasn't a little "girl talk" or as Daddy might say, "a gripe session".

Who would have thought it would be the babies and not the mommies?

1 comment:

  1. aww my anthony handsome! and your little girlfriend is sooo beautiful! we love you xoxoxoxo
