Thursday, February 23, 2012

Special Visitors

Granma and Granpa are here for a visit, which means we all spend quality time together.  This usually means we read lots of books, sing lots of songs, and do extra silly things.  Granma taught Ysabella how to march and her next lesson is teaching her all of the instruments in the marching band.  Mommy thinks the drums were her favorite.

When the marching band lesson was over it was time to show Granma how high Ysabella can jump.  We almost caught her completely off the ground.  

Next, Ysabella decided she should teach grandma where the doggies live.... over there.

Anthony saw the dogs too, but was underwhelmed. 

So, Ysabella decided to impress him.

"I'm runnin' so fast!" 

1 comment:

  1. oh our beautiful sweet pea and our lovable little meatball....we love you soooo xoxoxoxo
