Monday, August 12, 2013

Lake Anna: The Lost Footage

Our family trip to Lake Anna was so pleasant and enjoyed by all that more photos have to be shared.  Daddy was an active, yet secretive, photographer and so Mommy only recently found these "lost" pictures. Ysabella and Anthony's trepidation getting into the water was nicely captured here. As was Ysabella's ability to copy Mommy and drag Anthony in with her! 

They warmed up quickly but stayed close to Mommy or a safety line.

Mommy did everything she could to get Daddy in the water, even bribing him with these adorable faces... but no luck. We swam alone.

And so did Anthony.

But not Ysabella. She may have won the award for going the farthest out in the water, but always held tight to Mommy's hands. 

 Maybe next time the kids will be off on their own, but for now Mommy was pretty content having them stick close by.  

Friday, August 9, 2013

Lake Anna

It may have been overcast, but the Nicastro Family still had a wonderful day taking Ysabella and Anthony to Lake Anna.  This was the first time they have been to a beach or swam in open water.  After a few cries and awkward steps they made it to the waterfront to dip in their toes.


Immediately after testing the water, both Nicastro kids found the playground much more interesting.

 Especially the "swide"

After a lot of coaxing and a little bit of time the kids took to the water like fish.  When Nona and Poppy arrived Ysabella began doing her I went in the water dance or maybe its the I want to the go in the water again dance. Perhaps it's the fish out of water dance.... either way she was happy and her dancing skills need work.

 Soon it was time for a picnic lunch. Complete with boiled thermos hot dogs and pasta salad, lunch was delicious and filling.

And Nona would never forget dessert,  which Ysabella shared well.

Next it was back to the water.  With lots of help from Poppy, the kids had a fun lakeside "bathtub".


They also got some lessons from Daddy about fun, beachy sand activities.

 And saw how important it was to pack the wet sand in your bucket.

After trying again at building sand castles the kids could no longer resist the playground. 

And eventually we all had to say goodbye to the lake and what turned out to be a beautiful day.

Mommy and Daddy are thrilled that you loved the sand and water. 
Keep trying new things little Nicastros and remember you can still get sunburnt on an overcast day!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

New Old Toys

 Ysabella and Anthony have such generous friends and family that Mommy and Daddy stash some toys away for later use.  Large, cardboard building blocks were the newest old toy to keep the kids occupied.  Ysabella began immediately using her imagination, "Look Mommy, a computer!"

Anthony practiced watchful waiting as he learned these blocks had more uses than being something to stand on... making windows to look through (peek-a-boo!)

Mommy loved watching Ysabella using her imagination.  She also noticed other skills these blocks help to develop, such as concentration.

A steady hand.

 And determination.

"Look Mom, I did it!"

Anthony may have been impressed at the height of this new tower..

But he much more enjoyed watching it come down!
Always remember to play nice little Nicastros and Thanks Uncle Jude for the new old toy!