Wednesday, June 5, 2013

From Babies to Buddies

Mommy can't believe how quickly her babies are growing up.  Without any warning, Ysabella and Anthony surprised Mommy with spontaneous adult-like sibling love.  

Anthony, arms outstretched, "Hi Bella"
Ysabella, smiling and reaching for him, "Hi Anthony"

With mild prompting from Mommy and very little resistance the embrace grew to true sibling love.

The hugs weren't over for the night when the two decided a tighter squeeze was necessary. 

And even when distracted with a video, the love between Ysabella and Anthony would not stop.

Mommy loves seeing her babies getting along so well and hopes this is a good sign for the future.

Always love each other, little Nicastros... you are the only sibling each of you will ever have 
(Daddy guarantees it)
Keep capturing these moments Mommy, cuz we won't stay like this forever!!!

1 comment:

  1. nona and poppy would always welcome a couple more little nicastros as sweet as ysabella and anthony! we love you both to the moon and back!!! xoxoxoxo
