Monday, February 24, 2014

Pirate or Princess

Mommy and Daddy know we love Disney Junior (and all of its programming).  All week we've been getting excited about going to Disney Live: Pirates and Princess Adventure.  Thanks to some great friends, we were even decked out with the proper accessories (sword and princess wand) to look just like our favorite characters! 

Sometimes we even got a little confused by what role we were trying to play. 

Daddy also promised us popcorn for the show, which is our favorite special treat. Thankfully, the show was interactive and had us up on our feet, dancing and acting like pirates, "Arg!!"

We all left with full bellies and big smiles....

or completely exhausted, but with good grip strength, from such a great day! 

Merry Christmas, little Nicastros! 

And remember families and great memories can last a lifetime! 

1 comment:

  1. i would have loved to have been there just to see your faces, ysabella and glad you had a great time! making memories.....that's what life is all about....each day we spend with each and all of you is a memory made to last our lifetime....we love you to the moon and back!!! xoxoxoxo
